
Heartland Support Services.

Est. 2022

Services Of Heartland Support Services

Short/Long Term Respite Care


Short/Long Term Accommodation

NDIS Accommodation funding for each participant is based on their specific support needs as well as the impact on their caregiver and their family. If a participant requires more support, funds are accordingly allotted. When applying for NDIS, there is a lot of evidence that needs to be provided. This includes showing that you require STA so that your funds can cover these expenses. Evidence includes formal documentation from an occupational therapist or other professionals, as well as a letter of their informal support that explains why they need a break. STA is designed only to take care of the needs of the disabled and will not accommodate any requests from carers for their personal benefits.

Short-Term Respite Care

Respite care is designed to give both NDIS participants and their carers and/or families to take a well-earned break from their caring responsibilities. Everybody needs a break sometimes; at Heartland Support Services we can provide valuable time apart with alternate short time accommodation.

Sometimes the unexpected happens – such as an illness, accident, or crisis situation – and you need temporary accommodation in a supported environment. Short-term Accommodation, including respite, is support for when you need to live out of home for a short period.

By staying in short-term accommodation, you’re treated to a change of scenery and a break from routine, while your informal support network also get some time to themselves. Respite care isn’t just about the accommodation, it also involves the support you receive while staying there.

Planned regular stays away from home can also help increase your independence as you transition to Support Independent Living and moving out of home.

Sometimes a short stay away from home:

  • Gives you the chance to try new things
  • May help to maintain your current living situation by giving your informal supports a break
  • Short-Term Accommodation may suit your needs if your usual support network isn’t available for a short period
  • For NDIS participants who wish to begin living independently, then STA is a good place to start 

The benefit of Short-Term Accommodation (STA) includes:

  • Personal care and support
  • Assisted transportation
  • Interact with new people and make new friends or develop new skills
  • Leisure activities of your choosing
  • Individual care throughout the day and night in a fully furnished house that suits your needs
  • Accommodation
  • Meals provided
  • Participate in fun activities
  • Assistance in taking medication
  • Short-term Accommodation can provide an alternative to your current living arrangements.

Our short-term accommodation services offer a home away from home!

You will be welcomed into a safe and supported environment where you can recharge, meet new friends, and experience new things.

At Heartland Support Services, we’re dedicated to providing you with individualised support and disability services tailored to your specific needs. We understand that, at times, everyone forgets just to take a minute to breathe, which is why we have created a safe haven for people with disabilities to come and just take a load off. So, if you and your loved one are looking for disability support services, look no further than Heartland Support Services, your supportive home away from home.

Long-Term Accommodation

Long-term disability accommodation is as it sounds. It’s long-Term rental accommodation that has been modified to allow people with physical or psychological disabilities to live independently as possible with the addition of their support in their NDIS plan. The duration of the stay is dependent on the needs of the NDIS participant.

Our team at Heartland Support Services are highly experienced and passionate about helping people find homes where they are safe, supported, and able to enjoy life. As providers, we are available to answer any questions you may have, and help you move into accommodation that suits your needs.

Our team provide individualised care that is tailored to each of our participant’s needs. We take the time to get to know you, listen and understand your needs, so we can provide the best support possible.

With our expertise, we deliver high-quality accommodation services that promote independent living skills in an encouraging environment. Our accommodation options create choices, opportunities, and communities for people with a disability. We are committed to ensuring that “choice and control” is a lived reality for our participants, their families and caregivers.

How do we accomplish this?

Our friendly approach to providing accommodation services is what sets us apart from other NDIS providers. Our dedicated team at Heartland Support Services will ensure your needs are heard and met, we assign you a dedicated relationships coordinator, so you have a direct point of contact throughout the entire housing process.

Our Process

  • Our participants will be ensured their needs are being heard, understood, and implemented.
  • To assess the accommodation type and service needed, geographical location is determined in consultation with our clients and their families.
  • We create a homely and caring environment and provide supported accommodation options appropriate to your circumstances.
  • We listen to each participant’s voice and preferences in determining disability support worker/staff selection and rostering in their home.

What supports are included under Long-Term Accommodation:

  • Home modifications to the participant’s home, a private rental property and social housing (case by case basis).
  • Support with personal care, such as assistance with showering and dressing.
  • Assistance around the home where the participant is unable to undertake these tasks due to their disability, including assistance with cleaning, garden maintenance and laundry.


Ready to start your journey with Heartland Support Services? Contact us today.